Spark Starters (part 4)

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While sheltering in place, I explored different ways to fight boredom while experiencing personal growth using colored pencils, books and videos.

I haven’t pulled out my sketch pad in years.  I had forgotten how soothing it is to draw for pleasure without a predetermined expectation of a specific end product.  My sketching started an avalanche of art supplies being pulled from various hiding places throughout the house to be rehomed in my office/studio.  The very nature of creating, studying details and converting them into a tangible output, gives my right brain a boost. 

I’ve always relied on books to travel outside of my environment and to develop concepts beyond my area of expertise. Audiobooks offer the flexibility to multitask, a behavior I vilify as the killer of mindfulness and creativity.  However, after reading the Power of Habit, I shamelessly plug in my headphones to provide encouragement and distraction during treadmill time.  By holding back on certain books until my feet hit the belt, I can keep the exercise habit going even when I’m out of willpower.

To maintain proficiency and acquire new aptitudes, I pushed my mouse and keyboard away from the social media spiral and dove into online learning.  From ad hoc YouTube how-to-training to full-blown certifications, I was energized by the absorption of new information and skill development.  Inviting instructors into my living room, office and on occasion my kitchen, expanded my marketing techniques and meal options.  The satisfaction I received from learning a new photo editing short cut, was almost as thrilling as receiving the Social Media Adverting Certificate of Completion but not as delicious as the perfectly layered Italian pie.