An Untapped Source (part 3)

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In early March all the universities sent their students packing, and our neighborhood became full of young adults that we hadn’t interacted with in years.  They spent their high school years sequestered in their rooms, their summers at distant camps and internships, and Sept thru May away at college.  All of a sudden, we had an influx of boys and girls, we are only now getting to appreciate as men and women, who offer a dynamic, fresh perspective on the world. 

It wasn’t until week 3ish (the unanimous timeframe in my small universe) that I had this epiphany. Out of sheer boredom my son and my neighbor’s children began to interact with us, “the ‘rents”.  Everything in their lives came to a screeching halt and in that vacancy, they saw us as humans, and we saw them as adults.  Sidewalk and porch conversations became lengthy and multifaceted.  Chats became more philosophical and yet practical simultaneously.  What to do in the next weeks, months, and years ahead to expand their talents, earn spending money, preserve friendships, and keep entertained.  In my own house, I started asking my son for his opinion on design details, video lighting, word choices, hashtag recommendations, photo angles, etc.  He offered me a different viewpoint and inspired ideas. It was like priming a well, once I started albeit slowly and keep at it, before I knew it, information like water, came flowing out at a rapid pace.